Understanding Vegan and Plant-Based Diet Differences

Whether you go vegetarian or vegan, multiple studies (such as this one and this other one) have discovered that cutting down your meat and reducing your consumption of animal products can help you to not only enjoy significant weight loss but also boost your overall health.

And weight loss success aside, veganism and vegetarianism will be one of 2018’s hottest diet trends. In fact, in 10 years, veganism in Britain has risen 360%.

Be that as it may, while the terms are frequently used interchangeably, there’s a major distinction between being plant-based and being a vegan.

If you want to try this new dietary approach and see if it can help you burn fat and lose weight, it’s important to learn what separates “vegan” people from “plant-based” people. Knowing the subtle distinctions can help you choose which weight loss lifestyle best fits you.

All About Vegan Diets

Vegans aim to treat all beings as conscious beings who deserve compassion. That’s why vegans avoid all animal products and by-products, and this extends far beyond what they choose to put on their plate. For example, most vegans would also avoid things like wearing leather shoes or putting on a wool sweater.

It arises from a perspective that sees all lives as equal. Thus, a vegan only eats plant-based foods but also lives a life that strives to erase all animal suffering.

All About Plant-Based Diets

Unlike a vegan weight loss diet, a plant-based diet is strictly a dietary decision. Being plant-based focuses on the health effects that a plant-based diet has on weight loss, obesity, disease risks, etc. And when it comes to plant-based foods, supporters argue that you only eat whole foods that are minimally processed.

Thus, while a vegan might be okay eating fried vegan doughnuts, a plant-based approach would avoid this due to the refined flour, deep frying, etc.

How It Boils Down

It all comes down to this: All people who are vegan are potentially plant-based, but people who are plant-based are not necessarily vegan.

Regarding which approach is better for your waistline and can help you lose weight, a focus on the whole, minimally processed foods provide numerous advantages for maintaining health and avoiding gaining fat.

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