Wearing These Shoes Can Worsen Your Knee Pain

These Shoes Can Worsen Your Knee Pain

As we age, our metabolism slows down, and we feel the force of gravity is starting to pull at us. If you’re over 45, you may have noticed your joints are hurting and becoming stiff. This is a common symptom of osteoarthritis (OA), also known as “wear-and-tear arthritis.”

But, did you know the shoes you wear can make the joint pain much worse? Read on to learn more about what shoes you should and shouldn’t wear to save your knees.

Worst and Best Shoes for Knee Pain

Just because your shoes seem comfortable doesn’t mean they are good for your joints. A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in April 2021 investigated the connection between wearing flat, flexible shoes and knee pain.

The study involved 164 participants with moderate to severe osteoarthritis symptoms divided into two groups. The first group wore flat and flexible shoes for at least six hours a day, while the second group wore more stable shoes. The duration of the study was six months.

The results showed that people who wore flat and flexible shoes didn’t feel more knee pain, but they didn’t feel relieved either. What’s more, participants that wore these shoes experienced foot and ankle pain due to the lack of stability.

In contrast, people who wore sturdier shoes reported less pain and felt more comfortable managing everyday tasks. These participants also felt less hip pain, which is an added benefit.

Shoes Can Protect Knees

Although many people don’t think about it, the shoes we wear can impact our ankles, joints, and body posture. To reduce knee osteoarthritis symptoms, wear only stable, sturdy shoes. Moreover, don’t forget that exercise can help you relieve joint pain.

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