How to Turn Your Smartphone into a Diet Tool

smartphone into a diet tool

You check your phone for Facebook updates. And challenge your friends for the highest Candy Crush scores. But, did you know that you can turn your smartphone into a diet tool?

There’s an App for That

So, you’ve been telling yourself you will watch what you eat. But haven’t bothered following through with it. If you turn your smartphone into a diet tool, you will always have everything you need close at hand.

But there are so many choices out there. How do you choose what’s right for you? First, you need to narrow down the reasons why you want a diet tool.

If you want to keep track of your portions, calorie count, and nutrient control there are different options available.

One of the biggest problems with keeping track of your food in a food diary is figuring out the correct portions. In the past, you guessed. Most of the time, wrong. New technology uses the hand as a standard of measurement.

A similar way to keep track of your eating is the NutriRay3D. This tool uses laser 3D mapping to calculate your food’s calorie count. You can check your food’s nutritional value as well.

Or maybe you would like to use your smartphone for meal planning and recipes? Some apps help you plan your meals around specific diet plans. You can also share your progress on your social media sites.

Lastly, is a diet app for special needs. If you have a special medical condition in which you need to watch what you eat, there is an app for that, too. Some examples of this are if you have Type 1 diabetes or if you want to manage your stress eating.

Final Thoughts

While there are different apps to turn your smartphone into a diet tool, make sure you choose one that is right for your goals.

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