Does Cryotherapy Really Work for Weight Loss?

cryotherapy for weight loss

One of the latest weight loss trends, cryotherapy seems to be increasing in popularity in the past couple of years. This unconventional method involves dipping yourself into freezing water (around -306 degrees Fahrenheit) to force your body to use more energy and burn fat. But, what does the research say about using cryotherapy for weight loss?

How Does It Work?

The reason why people believe cryotherapy could be effective is because our bodies’ natural response to cold is to set off several processes that raise our internal temperature and burn calories. These claims are backed up by research.

For example, a 2013 study found that people who spent two hours every day in a room set to 63 degrees Fahrenheit burned more calories over a period of six weeks. Another study published in the journal Diabetes found that people who slept in cold temperatures (around 66 degrees) burned more fat. However, their body composition didn’t change and their fat levels returned to normal once they stopped sleeping in these temperatures.

Should You Use Cryotherapy for Weight Loss?

Unfortunately, there is currently no scientific evidence that cryotherapy could lead to weight loss. In fact, one study found that several months of cryotherapy had no effect on body mass or fat, even when coupled with aerobic exercise.

On the other hand, cryotherapy does pose certain risks, most notably frostbite. So, consider the potential benefits and risks before deciding to take the plunge.

The Bottom Line

Although it may look fun, there is little evidence to support the claim that we can use cryotherapy for weight loss. When it comes to shedding the pounds, it seems that nothing still beats intense workouts and a healthy diet.

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