Binge Eating Disorder: What It Is and What to Do About It

causes and treatment options for binge eating disorders

Everyone overeats on occasion. It becomes serious when your overeating is a compulsive behavior. And, no matter how many times you vow to stop, you can’t. These are the causes and treatment options for binge eating disorders.


Experts are not sure why someone develops a binge-eating disorder. But, certain factors can increase your risk of getting it.

Some people who have binge-eating disorder behaviors have low self-esteem. They have negative feelings about themselves, accomplishments and skills. Psychological triggers that can incite bingeing behavior. It can include boredom, stress, food, and poor body image.

Another factor is family history. You are more likely to develop an eating disorder if your immediate family also had one.

Next, your age can also be a factor in increasing your risk. Binge eating disorders normally develop in the late teens to early 20s. But, it is important to note, it can begin at any age. This age group is merely more likely to develop this disorder.

Finally, your diet can also play a part in developing this disorder. If you have a history of calorie-restriction or dieting, it may trigger the urge to binge. This is made worse if you are depressed and have low self-esteem.

What You Can Do

Various types of therapy options are available if you do have a binge eating disorder. They can take place in different formats such as group therapy sessions, one on one, or even self-help. Many people need a combination of different therapies to be effective.

This can include cognitive-behavioral therapy. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is based on relationship analysis. You would take a look at your negative feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. And, examine how it relates to weight, eating, and body shape.

Another therapy available is interpersonal psychotherapy. This type looks at eating as a coping mechanism for more deep-seated feelings. Likewise, dialectical behavior therapy looks at eating as a misplaced reaction to negative experiences.

Finally, there is weight loss therapy which focuses less on psychological health and more physical practicum. This type of therapy seeks to change eating patterns and incorporate exercise gradually.

Final Thoughts

There are probably many reasons why you would develop an eating disorder. Understanding the causes and treatment options for binge eating disorders can go a long way towards healing. And, there are many ways to seek help. Find the right combination that works for your individual situation.

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