Avoid Doing This to Prevent Heart Disease

Avoid Doing This to Prevent Heart Disease

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the number one cause of death in the U.S, with over 659,000 deaths every year. Many people unconsciously make decisions that put them at risk of developing heart disease. Even though you may not be aware of it, some eating habits damage your heart health.

Read on to learn what eating habits you should change to improve your heart health.

Not Eating Breakfast

Many say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and we agree. A study published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease examined whether eating breakfast leads to a higher risk of heart disease. The results showed that people who don’t eat breakfast are 21% more prone to developing heart disease symptoms than those who eat it regularly.

Eating Refined Carbs

While pastries, sodas, white bread, and pasta are delicious, they don’t contribute to your heart health. A study published in The BMJ proved that people with a high intake of refined grains are at a much higher risk of heart disease than those who don’t eat them often.

Consuming Red or Processed Meat

Regular consumption of red and processed meat can damage your heart. Research published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition shows that a high intake of unprocessed red meat raises the risk of heart conditions by 9%. Moreover, the research indicates that people who eat a lot of processed meat are 18% more prone to developing ischemic heart disease.

Eat Heart-Friendly Foods

To improve your heart health, stick to foods packed with the necessary vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy. Leafy greens, whole grains, avocadoes, and fatty fish should become a large part of your diet. Besides eating healthy, don’t forget to be physically active, because exercise keeps your heart in great shape.

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