Alcohol is a must in many celebrations, and it’s expected for people to have a drink or two. However, you may want to consider going cold turkey on alcohol for a month this new year. Here are some of the effects to expect.
More Happiness
Alcohol is a depressant, and eliminating it for a month may help you become happier. Your mental health will improve as you’re not feeling the effects of consuming a depressant.
You’ll Lose Weight
At seven calories per gram, alcohol contains more calories than protein and carbs at the same amount. If you’re concerned about weight loss, it’s better to get rid of the drinks after dinner, especially if you plan to drink more sweet beverages during the meal. People may also consume more calories than usual when drinking alcohol, which doesn’t’ help your weight loss goals.
Better Sleep Quality
While wine feels like an excellent way to end the night, it’s actually the opposite. Alcohol ruins the circadian rhythm, preventing sleep. It can take weeks for the body to readjust too. Getting rid of the wine before bed will help you regain better sleep quality.
Reduce Inflammation
Too much alcohol will damage the intestinal wall, causing inflammation to spread throughout the body and aging prematurely.
A Month of Cold Turkey
Although the effects aren’t immediately noticeable, you’ll be glad you gave up drinking alcohol for a month. The body takes time to process alcohol, and giving it a break is healthy. Make sure you also observe a healthy diet and get enough sleep to reap the full benefits.